Diffuse hair loss (due to stress, fatigue or illness) as well as dry, thin or damaged hair can be successfully treated with mesotherapy and PRP, which strengthen the hair and promote regrowth
Hereditary baldness is difficult to treat at an advanced stage and it is advisable to act early by practicing meso-hair sessions to delay and prevent hair loss

Custom vitamin cocktail to restore the beauty of the hair, along with minoxidil to stop hair loss completely.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelets have regenerative properties that allow for the repair and recreation of living tissue at the injection site.
Since menopause I find that I lose more and more hair. I talked to Dr. Roux who has been treating me for years and he told me about PRP and mesotherapy. He offered me a program with interesting discounts and I thank him for it. I've started my program and I'm glad it's getting better
I lose my hair, especially in the spring. To counteract this I take vitamins and I do mesotherapy with minoxidil every 2-3 months. In the 3 years I've been on this treatment, things have gotten much better
I love the PRP. For my hair the result is very visible, it is much more beautiful and full. One session per year is very practical because I am often on the move and I don't have the time to do treatments every month