
What is mesotherapy?

Micro-injections of active ingredients directly to the place to be treated without risk of overdosing and without loss. The injections are shallow and painless, performed by hand or with a meso-gun for more softness

Results of a mesotherapy session

We obtain a revitalization and toning of the tissues of the face, eyes, mouth, neck, neckline and hands, or even the scalp

Mesotherapy can be performed in any season. No social eviction, because mesotherapy does not leave any marks. The effect lasts 1-2 months

Indications for mesotherapy

Vitamins, trace elements and mineral salts, prepared sterilely in the laboratory, can be used for various indications. We can addhyaluronic acid for a smoothing and toning effect(mesolift), botox for the smoothing of fine lines(mesobotox), for a tightening result and a radiance of the face or minoxidil to slow down the hair loss(meso-hair)

Our magistral preparations :
  • Meso-hair for beauty and to slow down hair loss
  • Regeneration for damaged, devitalized or dry skin
  • Anti-ageing for people over 45, smoothing fine lines and giving a radiance boost
  • Mesolift for a healthy glow and lifting effect


Frequently Asked Questions



NdYag Laser

Intense pulsed light G

Intense pulsed light Y

Laser Fractional



Platelet-rich plasma

Hyaluronic Acid
